Our Roots are Strong

Take it Easy

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Welcome to the Kava Roots wether you are new here or one of our many loyal customers we are so happy that you stopped by.

You will find everything Kava here from the highest quality Kava powder to videos of how to make it, the history of Kava and its benefits. Our aim is to bring you the best Kava on the market today. We strive to honour the history and cultivation of this valuable plant.

Be sure to check out our review page to assure yourself that the Kava you are buying is truly the best. 

F.A.Q about Kava

New to Kava? Start Here

New to Kava? Congratulations on discovering Kava and deciding to give this wonderful root a try? Kava has some amazing benefits during these stressful times we live in.  As an all-natural product it has the benefit of making you feel...

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Kava Do's and Dont's

Always buy your Kava from a reputable Vendor. Check reviews out online and do your research. Some of the kava sold on Amazon for example can be unreliable and inconsistent.

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Is Kava Safe?

Here at thekavaroots.com we adhere to strict safety practices. We only partner with Noble kava farmers and farmers that respect the ancient traditions of farming and processing this incredible elixir.

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Keep it Mellow with The Kava Roots